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Steel forging ingots chemical heterogeneity

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Database of ingots chemical heterogeneity is a table in Excel. Each sheet of this file contains information about single ingot.

There is following information on every sheet:

  • the source of the information;
  • the mass of the ingot;
  • steel grade of the ingot;
  • the composition of the steel (information about C, Si, Mn, S, P, Cr, Ni, Mo, V, NB, W, Al, O, Cu, Sn, As and Sb content);
  • the basic geometry of the ingot: the ratio of H\D and conicity of the ingot body; 

The information about carbon distribution along the height of the different parts of the ingot is marked by different colors (pink - hottop; yellow - body; blue – bottom part) for each part of the ingot. Data about carbon concentration is given as text information in the table and by graphics of the following functions Hingot = f(kC) and kC = f(Hingot)

In addition, there are the results of carbon segregation coefficient calculation by eq (1) (green line) and eq. (4) (doubled black line) on the graphics on every sheet. 

kС = a∙(k1·H + k2·H2)∙[S]n_S∙(H\D)n_HD∙exp(n_RR) (1)

where kС — relative coefficient of carbon segregation, fraction unit (kC = ([C] – [C]0)/[C]0);
          (Н\D) — ratio of the ingot body height to its mean diameter, unit fraction;
          Н — relative ingot height, fraction unit (body height and ingot bottom are taken into account), unit fraction;
          R — distance from the surface, unit fraction;
          [S] — initial sulfur content, %;
          a, n_S, n_HD и n_R — constant coefficients are equal to 0,6797; 0,2708; –0,4490; 1,7788 respectively;
          k1 и k2 — coefficient depending on ingot mass and carbon concentration in the steel according to equations (2) и (3).

k1 = –3,80∙10–1 + 1,74∙10–1·[C] + 1,88∙10–4∙G  – 8,54∙10–3∙[C]∙G (2)
k2 =   5,19∙10–1 + 1,33∙10–2·[C] – 2,88∙10–4∙G  + 1,08∙10–2∙[C]∙G (3)

where G — ingot mass, ton;
           [C] — initial carbon content, %.

lg(kC + 1) = –0,00175·Q·lgh/(Hb + Нc) + lg(1 – 0,0008·Q) (4)

where h – distance from the ingot top to the point along an ingot axis, m;
           Hb + Нc – total height of body and hot top of an ingot, m;
           Q – coefficient depending on the ingot dimensions and alloying element contents according to the equation (5)

Q = Db22·(10·(Н/D) + 30·[Si] + 800·[S] + 200·[P] – 4·[Mо] – 7·[V]) (5)

where Db2 – upper diameter of an ingot body, m;
           [Si], [S], [P], [Mo], [V] – concentration of silicon, sulphur, phosphorus, molybdenum and vanadium in the steel being poured, %

A screenshot of the table presented below


Database contains the information about the following ingots: 0,5; 2,5; 3,0 (2 pieces); 3,3; 3,6; 4,3 (5 pieces); 5,0 (2 pieces); 6,2; 6,5 (2 pieces); 6,8 (2 pieces); 7,0; 7,7; 8,0 (3 pieces); 9,4; 13,0 (2 pieces); 15; 20; 23,5; 24; 25; 33; 34 (2 pieces); 37; 47; 49; 55; 57; 65; 80; 90; 123; 124 (2 PCs); 142; 148; 160; 180; 181; 200; 290; 360; 420 (3 pieces); 430; 570 and 650 ton

Information about each ingot placed on a separate sheet. The name of the sheet corresponds to the ingot mass in tons.

You can download the file, after the getting of access rights. The right of access is requested by the corresponding request to the email address an_romashkin@cniitmash.ru

Demo version you can download here.


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